Wednesday 7 April 2010

Another visitor & more OU

We have another visiting scientist - Zhao Xiaoyan (Cindy) is from China and working with Pradeep for a month.
I had to get her laptop MAC address so she could get access to our wireless network. I'm getting good at deciphering non-english IPCONFIG reports (Dutch, Catalan and now Chinese :-)).

Delivered the latest OU Maths TMA to my tutor (for MS221) yesterday - probably not as good as I could do but at least it is done and delivered. Need to crack on wth last unit (D) of MST121 and start next unit(B) of MS221 - no rest for the wicked!

Thursday 1 April 2010


Went to Bioinformatics conference in Cambridge last week. Presented Biotracer poster.
Some quite good talks plus I went to a couple of workshops organised by BBSRC projects (Ondex, Genesys and Stomp). Packed quite a lot into three days. Took OU stuff along as MS221 TMA submission date looming :-(
NB Finally added links to project pages...