Tuesday 22 March 2011

Science Outreach in Norwich Day

Was at the Forum on Saturday on Institute of Food Research stand doing Taste & Flavour again (Assisting my colleague Dave) but to a more diverse audience.We had a good location near the entrance.
Lots of public interest with whole families trying the experiments. So many waves of people visited that I barely had time for a lunch-break and felt quite drained at the end. My colleagues on the BBSRC & JIC stands also drew a lot of attention - so good event all around.
Interesting stands from JIC & UEA as well. You can find some photos here and some YouTube video here. My understanding is that this is becoming an annual event.

Monday 14 March 2011

More Pictures of IFR stand at Big Bang Fair in London

Brief post to say that there are more photos of  the Institute of Food Research Big Bang Fair stand on the IFR Facebook page.
See pictures of people bravely trying the Marmite super-taster experiment, looking at their taste-buds with blue food colouring, seeing the difference between taste and flavour and trying out the five basic tastes...
All in glorious technicolour :-)

Friday 11 March 2011

Big Bang posting

Did Big Bang Fair yesterday at Docklands. Lots of classes full of bright children
getting their science fix. We were swamped at times!
Just under 300 people did the Marmite super-taster experiment
and many more visited the other parts of the stand (using food
colouring to see how their taste buds were laid out on their tongue
and trying the 5 basic tastes and an experiment with a sweet to show
the difference between taste and flavour.
Vince Cable (Dept. of BIS - the parent Gov. Dept. of our non-
departmental public body) was about but sadly he didn't get to
visit our stand :-(

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Big Bang Fair

Will be on the Institute of Food Research (IFR) stand at Big Bang Fair in London (Docklands) this week
The stand is based upon the fun / educational (hopefully both!) subject of taste and flavour.
A topic key to the enjoyment of food...
Come and find us and have a go at some tasty experiments.

It is on twitter here