Wednesday 6 January 2016

Royal Institution Grant scheme for enriching STEM teaching

Of interest to STEM teachers and their schools:
I would be really grateful if you could spread the word about the Royal Institution's STEM grant scheme (details below) to organisations and individuals who have contact with schools.

For those of you who don't know, the STEM Directories are an online catalogue of activities that enhance the teaching of science, engineering and maths in UK schools. The Directories are managed by the Royal Institution.

If you are a provider of a STEM activity then we encourage you to register on the Directories<> so that schools can search for you.

Thanks a lot,


Grant scheme for enriching STEM teaching - NOW OPEN

The Royal Institution<> (Ri) is offering UK state schools grants of up to £500 to host a STEM enrichment activity for their teachers and students.

Funded by the Causeway Foundation, the scheme is designed to integrate STEM activities (such as shows, talks and workshops) into school practice and to support teachers' professional development.

Successful applicants will receive £500 towards any activity listed on the STEM Directories as long as it is held before the end of July 2016.

Eligible state-funded schools, academies and FE colleges must complete the online application form<> by the closing date: 7th February 2016.

For more information and to apply, visit the STEM Directories website<> or email

Andrew Brown
STEM Directories Project Officer

Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BS
t: 020 7670 2952<><>

Support the Ri: become a member<> or donate<> today
Join the conversation on Twitter<> and Facebook<!/pages/Royal-Institution-of-Great-Britain/95368582121>

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