Monday 6 August 2012

Norwich Science Cafe 15/8/12

Can massage improve sporting performance? 
Every month The Norwich Science Cafe heads to The Maddermarket Theatre where there is the chance to hear scientists and speakers explain all about scientific topics which affect us all. The cafe will take place on August 15th at 7.30pm in the bar and is completely free, just turn up and grab a seat. Jude Durrant of Totally For You Sports Therapy will be presenting a talk on the potential benefits of massage in sports performance and will include demonstrations. There have been no major studies in this area so the subject is very much up for debate!
The cafe gives the public the chance to hear the science behind the subject, before asking questions and debating the subject with those in the know, letting people get the answers they might not normally have access to. The cafe is open to anyone who is interested and after the presentation there will be a group debate and question session to get everyone talking about the information they have just heard. For more information on the cafe or to be added to the mailing list please contact
Alexandra Minns
Twitter @SciCafeNorwich

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