Friday 11 January 2013

British Biology Olympiad for post-16 UK students...

Note  that the end date has been extended to 21st Jan 2013...

British Biology Olympiad

Please submit a registration form as soon as possible and by 21st January at the latest.

Open to all post-16 students in the UK.
Challenging the most talented young biologists.

Selecting students to represent the UK in Switzerland 2013 

Format and timetable
Round 1 - a two hour multiple choice paper taken in schools between January 31st and February 6th
Round 2 - a 90 minute written paper taken in schools between February 25th and March 1st
Finals - practical assessments and an additional written paper taken at the University of Reading from April 7th to 10th
The British Biology Olympiad challenges and stimulates students with an interest in Biology to expand and extend their talents. In offering a wider syllabus than A-level, it allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded and publicly recognised by the award of medals, certificates and other prizes. It is hoped that competing in the Olympiad will encourage students already interested in this valuable, wide-ranging and rewarding subject to continue their study beyond A-level.
In addition to encouraging and rewarding pupils in their studies the BBO provides a means of selecting a team to represent the UK at the International Biology Olympiad. The IBO seeks to challenge by both theory and practical tests some of the top pre-university biology students in the world, with 60 countries taking part. The UK teams have had considerable success at IBO and we are very grateful to BBSRC for its continued support of the UK team's participation.

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