Tuesday 22 November 2011

Local Beaver Scouts do IFR Taste & Flavour activity

Did the Taste & Flavour activity with about 20 Beaver Scouts last night.
Also, I added an activity about the was scientists & mathematicians look for patterns (Moving on from patterns of taste for foods). This involved construction of a CD spectrometer to generate spectra. Time constraints meant that they could not build them themselves so in future activities I will suggest that we have a couple of ready-made ones to hand and they can make one for themselves at home (materials consist of a CD and a cereal box).
I  think that they enjoyed themselves and they went off with a little experimental log-book and a certificate.
The experiment with dying tongues with blue food colouring (to spot taste buds) was very popular. As was the one where the difference between taste and flovour was demonstrated using an aromatic sweet and tasting it with and without pinching the nose.
Hoping to repeat the activity with some cubs (The cubs leader was there and had his tongue painted as well).
As they are a bit older (8+) it will be less guided and will get them to think more about the science.
Will also think about ways of speeding up the setting up of the solutions as was sole scientist there. Not so bad, as there were several enthusiastic helpers & leaders (which made things LOTS easier).

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