Friday 29 June 2012

Another 'Messy Church' event

Two saturdays ago, I did another of these events.
Being Pentecost there was a loose theme on wind, fire and speaking in tongues. A quick head-count of the families attending indicated over fifty people on the the night.

I provided two science engagement activities ( one for outdoors and one for indoors if the weather let us down). These were the Stomp Rockets and one based on the Stroop Effect (to demonstrate how an experiment is designed and statistical analysis of the results). The latter didn't get much attention (It would probably work better at a science fair type venue). The rockets did much better. One thing that was almost as good as the children enjoying launching their creations was the parents reactions. They seemed to think that the rockets wouldn't go very high or far when propelled by my pipe and 2-litre bottle launchers. This notion was quickly abused by the first few flights :-). I think that there may still be a couple of the rockets stuck on the church roof (sorry about that....).

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