Friday 29 June 2012

Science - It's a Girl thing

The EU has started a campaign to encourage girls into science careers and have a web-site here.
On Twitter (see #sciencegirlthing) and the press, there has been quite a bit of controversy about a video trailer that they released (and after reactions pulled it - a copy is, as far as I know, still on YouTube - use that Google  interweb-thingy...).
I've tried to stay out of the debate as, video aside, the web-site has merit as does the good intention.
EU's viewpoints are here in this FAQ.

I would still have the person who put a lipstick in the Science logo taken away for a good talking-to (which is a kinder fate that some other commentators would suggest) , but it is really important to get all school-children interested in science. 
Not just for careers - science shapes and permeates our modern world. Major decisions are made and without an understanding of the scientific issues it is difficult, if not impossible, to have informed inclusive public debate. So scientific literacy is a vital citizenship skill.
Please do not let the controversy influence you, visit the web-site and reach your own verdict...
(Its a people thing).

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