Friday 27 January 2012

Campaign for Social Science Roadshow at UEA

Brief 'heads-up' post about a forthcoming roadshow at UEA:-
15 March 2012
Campaign for Social Science Roadshow at the University of East Anglia University of East Anglia - directions (includes light refreshments)

Supported by many Vice Chancellors, the Campaign will be presented to all Academicians and other social scientists via a series of regional roadshows around the country.  A Question and Answer session, will be chaired by Professor Neil Ward, Dean of Social Sciences, University of East Anglia.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Edward Acton, Vice Chancellor, University of East Anglia – Introduction and Welcome
  • Professor Sir Howard Newby, President of the academy of Social Sciences and Vice Chancellor, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Michael Harloe AcSS, Member of the Board, Campaign for Social Science and former Vice Chancellor, University of Salford
  • Professor Tony Crook, Chair of Board, Campaign for Social Science and former Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Neil Ward, Dean of Social Sciences, University of East Anglia - Question and Answer Session
  • Stephen Anderson CfSS, Executive Director, Academy of Social Sciences
We would like to encourage ALL social scientists to attend.  Please spread the word amongst your friends and colleagues.

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