Friday 20 January 2012

Review of Stargazing (pt3)

Another good programme - Concepts covered in the final part were:
The extent of the Solar system (Kuiper belt & Oort cloud) and how we can detect objects that far out.

The search for Exo-planets and techniques used and the possibility that the TV audience had helped to find one amongst Kepler's telescope data.
We had Prof. Cox enplaning Astronomical Units  (AUs) using sugar lumps in a tea room (You need to see with your own eyes...).
Mars & it's atmosphere (NASA)
We also saw the programme succeed in the conversion of a light polluted village into a dark village (the effect was somewhat spoilt by typical British weather meaning that the stars were not visible...)
High Atlas, Morocco
Also covered was the search for life  "out there". As far as the Solar system is concerned we can probably only expect microbes ( Indeed, some people have hopes about the recent Mars meteorites in Morocco).
If we go farther out, maybe there will be intelligent lifeforms. Mention was made of the Seti project  and we had a brief snippet from David Brin (The SciFi Author of The Postman) warning about how first contact could go wrong.
This episode (and others) is viewable at the Stargazing web-site plus there are lots of resources (some from the OU) for Teachers, pupils and parents.

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