Friday 13 January 2012

Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2011 review

Yes, I know it's January 2012. Courtesy of catch up TV and the web I thought I'd finally get a brief blog in about this Christmas's Royal Institution Lectures by Prof. Bruce Hood on the brain (click here to view).
I quite enjoyed the three programmes which covered a lot of good science. The first programme felt a bit slow in it's pace but the other two more than made up for it. There were nice demonstrations of neural circuits, transfer of neural imulses and a favourite of mine (from my psychology courses) - the Stroop effect.
There were also example of the physical nature of thoughts using disruptive magnets and also an MRI scanner.
The effects of the Internet upon how we communicate and think was also explored under the heading of the social brain.

As ever with the RI, quality stuff - recommended.

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