Wednesday 18 January 2012

Review of Stargazing (ep 2)

The second programme covers even more ground than the first.
Andromeda Galaxy (Source: NASA)
We had demonstrations of how galaxies collide to form new ones; how we can detect black holes; a computer simulation of the formation of galaxies from the Big Bang with a discussion about Dark matter.

Once again we had time devoted to amateur astronomers and the weighty topic of light pollution reducing what we can see of the night sky.

There was a delightful example of an outreach activity in South Africa where children were enticed into looking up into the sky by simply flying kites and as dark descended they were accompanied by an astronomer talking to them about galaxies.

There was even a section discussing UFOs and explanations of what people had really seen (But no Mulder & Scully sadly).

Two episodes down and one to go...

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