Tuesday 17 January 2012

Review of Stargazing (ep 1)

First part of three (viewable at Stargazing web-site) and pretty good viewing.
Quite a good proportion on the moon and interview with Eugene Cernan, who was both the LEM (Snoopy) pilot on Apollo 10 and the Commander of Apollo 17 (last man on the moon). Quite an interesting and forthright chap.

Prof Cox gave a good explanation about why tides occur and then showed that not just water was affected by gravitational tides.
Another highlight was segments on the role of telescopes based in South Africa and their view of the universe from the Southern Hemisphere.
Another section focused in on amateur astronomers and gave advice on equipment ranging from the naked eye to computerised telescopes.
Another highlight was at the end with the TV audience being invited to crowd-source in the effort to find exo-planets using data from the Kepler space telescope.

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